My first steps into Film Photography (part 2)

The second roll of film.

Although most of the shots were lost due to (probably) improper use of the camera, the usable frames were better than expected.

Self Portrait

Double Exposure

At the B&W Film development wokshop

Having only 12 shots per film, as well as no way to properly preview the images, changes a lot how one experiences photography.
Shooting film effectively forces one to stop and think three times before pressing the shutter.

And until I’m able to develop my own film at home, the cost quickly adds up :

  • Each roll at 4,5€ + shipping
  • 5€ for development and scanning + shipping.

The development lab is 50 km away, and the rolls of film must be ordered online, since I’m unable to find a local store to purchase film from (the alternative is to make a 50Km travel to buy the same film, at a slightly higher price).

Well, I should really get started on developing my own film…..